
Our Approach

By conscientiously understanding the business needs of our Customers, we proffer the best solutions which meet and exceed their expectations, in doing so, we apply industry best practices and deploy state-of-the-art processes which offer the best value and enhance our customers’ performance.


As a responsible corporate citizen, we appreciate our role as member of the community within which we do and operate business. More than being part of such communities we realized the positive and negative impact a project under implementation can have on such community.

We make it our duty to manage conflicts, minor or major disagreements between our clients and host communities. In other to maintain excellent relationships with host communities, it is our company’s policy to:

Seek peaceful and amicable resolution of disagreements between the community and our clients on issues, by building cordial relationship with the host community.

Employment of local personnel for non-technical services without comprising standard (on contract base).

Subcontracting some aspects of our job to local contractor and also conducting our business in such a way that gives respect to host communities.

Our staff to show absolute neutrality to community dispute and crises.


Our safety performance is enhanced by putting in place a set of guideline, rules and procedures that set of guideline, rules and procedures that act as standards of performance. 

These are usually well documented and made available to every employee while the safety ensures that these guideline are maintained, followed and enforced.


Every management staff is a safety officer in the firm while the firm also has designated safety officers from amongst the safety matters as well as help coordinate the firm overall safety by conducting audit of the work and methods and reporting on their findings.

The success of our overall safety performance is hinged on safety training followed by regular training of our employees. Our training efforts are two- prolonged.

First is the staff in-house training and this is usually organized for every new staff while retraining is ensured during the normal monthly meeting. To ensure the staff realized that training is a continuous process unscheduled audits are put in place as well as the pep talks given by the safety officers on an
individual’s basis.

The second training efforts is to ensure that our staffs regularly attend all safety meetings, seminars and courses organized by accredited safety training organized by accredited training organizations.


Get Started With Us At Buojo Limited

Committed to providing integrated Telecom solutions that meet and exceed Customers expectation while conforming to all applicable industry and regulatory requirements.

Its all about turning great ideas into your projects

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